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Minex 2007 Awards


Agenda (Print version)



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Arthur Poliakov
Head of Communications
Tel: +44 (0) 207 5209341
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Irina Yukhtina
Head of Marketing
Tel: +44 (0) 207 5209341
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Project Coordinator, Moscow
Tel/Fax: +7 (495) 369 1843
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3 October, Wednesday
4 October, Thursday
5 October, Friday (Master Classes)


Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya
Europe Square 2
Moscow, Russia 121059
Tel: +7 (495) 941 8020
Fax: +7 (495) 941 8000


08:30 – 10:00 Welcome coffee and registration (Exhibition Hall)
Sponsored by Standard Bank
10:00 – 11:40 Session 1: Russian and CIS Mining and Exploration Industry in the Global Context  (Main conference Hall)
Chair: Marc Polonsky, Partner, White & Case

Opening of the 3rd Mining and Exploration Business Forum 2007
Welcome by organisers and dignitaries


Review of the global trends in the mining industry
Victor Smirnov, Assurance Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers


The role of financial groups in developing Greenfield projects in Russia
Ilya Okhtyrskiy, Deputy Director General, IFC Metropol

11:20 Present and Future of Mining Legislation in Russia. What impact will it have on Investment Climate?
Marc Polonsky, Partner, White & Case
11:40 – 12:00 Coffee break (Exhibition Hall)
Sponsored by Peter Hambro Mining
12:00 – 14:00 Session 2: Mining and Exploration in Russia – booming times
(Main Conference Hall)
Chair: David Pearce, Director General, SRK Consulting (Russia)

Opportunities for the private-public partnerships in Russia. “Transbaikalia Complex project” development
Oleg Mikhailenko, CEO, Transbaikalia Development Corporation

12:20 Exploring for Gold in Russia: Peculiarities, Complications and Opportunities
Vitaly Nesis, CEO, Polymetal
12:40 Sustainable mining in Russia. 10 years of experience of Peter Hambro Mining
Peter Hambro, Executive Chairman, Peter Hambro Mining
13:00 Russia - Unlocking the Potential
Hugh Agro, Senior Vice President, Strategic Development, Kinross Gold Corporation
13:20 Innovative approach in large scale exploration in Russia – Natalka gold deposit
Mikhail Kazimirov, Director General, Matrosov Mine
13:40 The future development of the Uranium Industry in Russia and its integration in the Global Market place
Vladimir Servetnik, Executive General, Atomredmetzoloto
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch (Musorgsky and Glinka Hall)
Session 3A: Mining investment and finance landscape
Sponsored by MBC Resources

Chair: Serdar Karliev, CFO, MBC Resources

(Main Conference Hall)
Session 3B: Environmental and social aspects of mining
Sponsored by ERM Eurasia

Chair: Sergey Bourtsev, Managing Director Moscow and Almaty Branch, ERM Eurasia

(Tolstoy Hall)

Responsible investment in Russian Mining

Dmitry Garmaev, PR Manager, Ozerny GOK; Robert Falletta, Director General, Ozerny GOK
Socio-environmental aspects for mining industry

Elena Amirkhanova, Principal Consultant, ERM Eurasia
Attracting finance for mining projects from early to developed stages

Konstantin Fedotov, Director, SG Mining Finance
Lundin Mining's programme for sustainable development

Manfred Lindvall, Vice President EHS, Lundin Mining
Risk mitigation for Mining Finance

Evgenia Laurson, Lawyer, White & Case
Organisational culture for safety excellence

Greg Trivett, Principal Consultant, SRK Brisbane
Raising finance for mining projects from early stages. Step by step approach in preparation of technical studies in Local and Western Standards

Mikhail Leskov, Director General, NBLGold
Russian and international environmental and social impact assessment – similarities and differences

Ekaterina Vershinina, Environmental Scientist, SRK Consulting (Russia)

Russian Tax issues in the Mining Industry

Vitali Ivanenko, Senior Tax Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Mine Health, Safety and Training – An Imperative to International Investors

Ulrich Ruppel, Divisional Head, DMT GmbH

IPO Mining Financial - Bridging the Gap between the Physical and the Financial

John Bacarach, Director, IMC Montan

Managing EHS issues in a start-up company

Tatiana Serykh, Director, Environment, Health and Safety, Imperial Mining
Raising capital on the international markets: a practical approach to selecting and using the Depositary Bank
Cato Wille, Director, Capital Analytics
The state of Higher Mining Education in Russia

Vadim Petrov, Pro-rector, Moscow State Mining University
17:20 – 17:40 Coffee break (Exhibition Hall)
Sponsored by SG Mining Finance
17:40 – 19:30 Session 4: Russian mining market. Corporate development strategies (Main Conference Hall)
Chair: Mikhail Leskov, Director General, NBLGold
17:40   Pilot projects as foundation for Mining Business Success - GV Gold
Sergey Vasiliev, CEO GV Gold (OJSC Vysochaishy)
18:00 JV Establishment in Russia. Strategic Alliance of Polymetal and AngloGold Ashanti
Maxim Mescheryakov, CEO “Zoloto Taigi” JV Polymetal & AngloGold Ashanti
18:20 Opportunities and Challenges for Foreign Investors in Russia
Alexander Yakubchuk, Exploration Manager, Gold Fields Europe
18:40 Russian Nickel Industry
David Wood, CFO, Amur Minerals Corporation
19:00 Raspadskaya – Russia’s Leader in Coking Coal
Alexander Andreev, Deputy Director, Strategic Planning, Raspadskaya Coal Company
19:30 – 21:00 Minex 2007 networking party (Musorgsky and Glinka Hall)
Sponsored by Bateman Engineering Russia
Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya
Europe Square 2
Moscow, Russia 121059
Tel: +7 (495) 941 8020
Fax: +7 (495) 941 8000

08:30 – 09:40 Welcome coffee and registration (Exhibition Hall)

09:40 – 11:20 Session 5: Exploration of mineral resources. Current licensing and information policy (Main Conference Hall)
Chair: Mike Struthers, COO, MBC Corporation
09:40   Prospecting mineral resources in Russia and CIS – main challenges ahead
Alexander Mikhailov, Mineral Exploration Consultant, SRK Consulting (UK)
09:50 Application of subsoil use law to support exploration of mineral resources in Russia
Darya Vasilevskaya, Deputy Head, State Policy Department for geology and subsoil use, Ministry of Natural Resources
10:10 Tax and Legal Aspects of subsoil use license transfer
Carol Patterson, Managing Partner, Baker & McKenzie
10:30 Current practices of granting exploration and subsoil use licenses to green field investors
Alexei Shishkov, Deputy Head, Karelnedra
10:50 Information coverage of licence issuence in Russia. Current exprience
Olga Puddubnaya, Editor, Nedropolzovaniye v Rossi Bulletin
11:00 Overview of licensing and information disclosure practices in the World’s developed mining countries
Anatoly Stavski, Director, Information and analytical Center Mineral
11:20 – 11:40 Coffee break (Exhibition Hall)
11:40 - 13:40 Session 6: Resource-reserve reporting and valuation
(Conference Hall)
Chair: David Pearce, Director General, SRK Consulting (Russia)
11:40 GKZ strategy for modernizing resource-reserve estimation
Yuri Podturkin, Director General, GKZ (State Committee on Reserves)
12:00 Auidit of project and technical documentation by CKR Rosndera
Sergey Filipov, Director, National Association of Subsoil Audit
12:20 Reclassifying Russian estimates according to international codes – a practical example
David Pearce, Director General, SRK Russia
12:40 Feasibility study of mineral conditions for reserves estimated with block modeling
Sergey Kreimer, Chief geologist, Micromine Russia
13:00 ERP systems and their use and application in mining operations
Mark Wainwright, Partner, Strategy & Operations, Metals & Mining Industry Group Leader, Deloitte
13:20 Valuing projects from licenses to operations. Valuing Projects from Licenses to Operations - Application of Australia’s VALMIN Code
Peter McCarthy, Managing Director, AMC Consultants
13:40 – 14:40 Lunch (Musorgsky and Glinka Hall)
Session 7A: Geological modeling & mine planning 
(Main Conference Hall)

Sponsored by SPb-Giproshakht

Chair: Zygmint Fuginski, CEO, SPb-Giproshakht
Session 7B: New mineral exploration technologies
(Tolstoy Hall)

Chair: Alexander Mikhailov, Mineral Exploration Consultant, SRK Consulting (UK)
GiproShakht – New Strategy and Approach to Evaluation and Design of Mines

Zygmint Fuginski, CEO, SPb-Giproshakht
Hunting mammoths: remote sensing tools to identify potential targets

Alexander Egorov, Director General, Aerogelogia

Challenges with computerising old geological models

Olga Stagurova, Director General, Gemcom Russia

New approach to analysing geochemical data and understanding the formation of ore deposits

Sergey Grigorov, Deputy Director General, Matrosov Mine
Ñonsiderations of structural factors for computer deposit modeling and resource estimation.
Peter Kushnarev, Professor, Moscow Mining Exploration Institute ; Vladimir Markevich, Geologist, Matrosov Mine
Application of XRF express analysis in field exploration

Elena Vatrushina, Head of field team, Russian State Exploration University
The CRIRSCO Russian Resource/Reserve Reporting Initiative - One Year On

Dr Mike Armitage, Managing Director, SRK Consulting (UK)
16:00 – 16:20 Coffee break (Exhibition Hall)
Session 8A: Implementing mining projects in Russia and CIS
(Conference Hall)

Sponsored by Bateman Engineering Russia

Chair: Yuri Gavrilov, Director, Bateman Engineering Russia
Session 8B: Project evaluation and investment modeling
(Tolstoy Hall)

Sponsored by IC Arlan

Chair: Denis Alexandrov,
Financial Director, IC Arlan
Project management options (DIY, Engage or EPCM). Evaluating implementation costs

Yuri Gavrilov, Director, Bateman Engineering Russia
Geo-economical evaluation of mines and deposits. Regulator’s and private investors’ views

Vasily Makarov, Chief Geologist, IC Arlan
Mine Dewatering: Costs and Benefits

Vladimir Ugorets, Principal Hydrogeologist,  SRK Consulting (U.S.)
Innovative planning: from drilling to financial results

Evgeny Kuleznev, Head of System Planning, SUEK
Maintenance Strategies for Mobile Mining Equipment

Alex Shishakin, Global Mining Commercial Manager, Caterpillar
Adaptation of the international approaches in modeling of deposits and support of mining.

Nikolay Belyakov, Head of Mining Department, Manzana Group
Overview of subsoil use license legal risks: risk evaluation and assessment

Alexey Frolov, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
17:40 - 19:00 Session 9: Mining and Exploration in the Russian Regions – New challenges and opportunities
(Conference Hall)

Chair: Mikhail Leskov, Director General, NBLGold
17:40   Development of Kupol Gold and Silver Deposit
Nikolay Grigoriev, Deputy Director, Chukotskaya Mining and Geological Company
18:00 Copper – porphyry deposits in Urals. Promising opprtunties for further mining
Elena Ovcharova, Director General, UralGeoResourse
18:20 Complex processing of the Urals multicomponent ore – environmental considerations
Geliy Melentiev, Mining Engineer-Geologist, Academician, International Academy of Mineral Resources  
18:40 Potential of gold exploration in Krasnoyarsk region
Vladimir Makarov, Director, Gold and Precious Metals Institute, Siberian Federal District 

19:00 – 19:40 Drinks (Musorgskiy hall)

19:40 – 22:30 Minex 2007 Achievement Awards Dinner
Sponsored by Metropol Investment Financial Company and MBC Resources


Hosted by PricewaterhouseCoopers

Kosmodamianskaya Nab.52, Bld.5
115054 Moscow, Russia
Telephone: +7 (495) 967 6000
Telecopier: +7 (495) 967 6001


08:30 – 09:30 Welcome coffee and registration
Master class for mining engineers and prospectors
Master class for financial managers and mining economists
Organised by SRK
Organised by PricewaterhouseCoopers
«Building a computerised model from Soviet era data»

Data validation

Data management

Building a block model

Using geostatistics and tools to interpret the geology more effectively

Checking the results

Circumstances when computerized results are most likely to vary from Soviet results

Peculiarities of the Russian mining and geological software market

Martin Pittuck, Principal Resource Geologist, SRK Consulting

Alexander Polonyankin, Geologist, SRK Consulting (Russia)

Nikolay Belyakov, Head of Mining Department, Manzana Group

«Financial reporting in Mining»

Introduction and mining overview

Exploration, evaluation and development

Production issues

Mineral resources and reserves

Depreciation and amortisation



Closure & environment liabilities

Victor Smirnov, Assurance Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Jason Burkitt, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers London

Anna Uzornikova, Assurance Director, Accounting Consulting Services, Energy, Utilities and Mining, PricewaterhouseCoopers

11:30 – 11:50 Coffee break
Master class for mining engineers and prospectors
Master class for financial managers and mining economists
Organised by NBLGold
Organised by PricewaterhouseCoopers
«Building a computerised model from Soviet era data»

Review of software applications and IT solutions for Mining Companies: from exploration to production and accounting

Structural and geological mine studies and their implementation in ore body computer modeling

Methods of evaluation of gold resources in “Kuranakh” type of the core and feasibility studies of mineral conditions

Example of preparation of project report for GKZ of Russian Federation using computer modeling Russian practices in defining optimal mine outlines

Alexei Rodin, Principal Economist;
Mikhail Katanski,  Senior Geologist;
Sergey Zhidkov, Principal Geologist;
Natalia Senyavskaya, Geologist;
Tatiana Babina, Senior Geologist;
Nadezhda Markova, Senior Geologist

«Financial reporting in Mining»


Foreign currency

Financial instruments

Mining taxation

Joint ventures

Business combinations

Non-GAAP measures

First time adoption

Victor Smirnov, Assurance Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Jason Burkitt, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers London

Anna Uzornikova, Assurance Director, Accounting Consulting Services, Energy, Utilities and Mining, PricewaterhouseCoopers

13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
Sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Master class for mining engineers and prospectors
Master class for financial managers and mining economists
Organised by SRK Consulting (UK)
Organised by Macleod Dixon and AMC Consultants 

«Valuing Early to Mid Stage Exploration Projects»

The Exploration/Mining Cycle

Expenditure, Risk, Comparative Transaction and Contained Metal based Valuation Methodologies

Valuing in support of Stock Exchange Listings

Sources of Valuation Data

Practical Valuation Examples

Dr Mike Armitage, Managing Director, SRK Consulting (UK) Limited

«Mining project evaluation»

The evolution of the evaluation of a project

Stages of evaluation

Levels of accuracy and data requirements

Optimisation of the project strategy

Selecting the right combinations of cutoff, mining method, production rates,sequencing, etc., to deliver the corporate goals

Aydin Jebrailov, Partner, Macleod Dixon;

Brian Hall, Principal Mining Engineer, AMC Consultants

16:00 - 16:20 Coffee
Master class for EHS engineers and Directors
Master class for financial managers and mining economists
Organised by International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)
Organised by Macleod Dixon and AMC Consultants 

«Good Practice Guidance for Mining and Biodiversity»

Managing Biodiversity at Different Operational Stages

Good Practice in Pre-feasibility and Feasibility stages of Project Evaluation

Integrating Biodiversity into Operations

Closure Planning & Implementation

Rehabilitation planning and implementation

Benjamin Hedley, Project Officer, International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)

«Mining project evaluation»

General principles of modeling General economic parameters

Production physicals

Revenues, Operating Costs and Capital Costs

Depreciation and amortisation

Royalties, Tax

Net Cash Flow

Discounted Cash Flow techniques

DCF Measures for project evaluation and comparison

Selecting the Discount Rate

Brian Hall, Principal Mining Engineer, AMC Consultants

17:30 - 18:30 Drinks
Sponsored by Macleod Dixon

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