
The Information-Publishing Center of the Russian Federation Ministry of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources of Russia
The official journal of the Russian Federation Ministry of Natural Resources.
Bilingual Russian/English publication.
Founded in 1991. Frequency of publication - 6 issues per year
The bulletin of Russian Petroleum and Mining
The official journal of the Russian Federation Ministry of Natural Resources.
Published in Russian
The journal "Oil & Gas geology"
A scientific and technical journal
Founded in 1957. Frequency of publication
Information on Investment Projects

The catalogue "Mining engineering" is an annual research and information edition for specialists in the mining industry. The catalogue and reference book includes classified information regarding market conditions of the mining and mineral processing equipment, reviews of the development tendencies of individual types of mining machines and their application technology, charts with the principal technical data of the equipment, coordinates of manufacturing plants and their dealers.

Templeton Thorp is the definitive market specialist for all forms of information, intelligence and due diligence on the former Soviet Union, C&E Europe and SE Europe.
Founded in 2002, and with offices in London, Russia and Central Europe, Templeton Thorp has quickly expanded from its original due diligence and business intelligence services to include sophisticated information and intelligence products which are popular with corporate clients in all sectors.
Features of the TT TOTAL INTELLIGENCE service include unique 24/7 coverage in English and Russian of 29 countries, 26 sectors, and hundreds of companies, politicians, oligarchs and businessmen, ensuring that its clients keep ahead of their competition. TT TOTAL INTELLIGENCE services are available both online and by email.
In 2005, Templeton Thorp established its sister company TT Infotek, providing a wide range of IT services including custom software development, the refactoring of legacy software and IT consultancy.
For more information about Templeton Thorp, please visit:

MinerJob.ru – The First National Resource of the Minerals Industry.
The portal unites thousands of experts of the minerals industry throughout Russia and CIS and serves as communicatory platform for creating and developing business, friendship and co-operative relations.
The services of the Portal allow:
- to get daily branch news
- to be informed about profile conferences and exhibitions
- to scan mining and metallurgical companies in the Catalogue, that includes the most complete and certainty information to date.
- to sale or buy mining equipment and machinery
- to find your class-mates
- to find job in minerals industry. We get the most actual vacancies daily!
- to place an application for recruiting the specialists of the minerals industry or to be at e-recruiting without our assistance – at Your service the largest CV database to date!

MINERAL Information and Research Centre is an autonomous department of the AEROGEOLOGIA Federal State Unitary Research Enterprise (FSURE) which operates under auspices of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (MNR of Russia). The Centre was established in 1995 with the purpose of providing the Ministry, other executive bodies and legislative bodies of the Russian Federation with updated information on and analysis of developments in Russian and global mineral resources markets.
MINERAL specializes in gathering, processing and presenting information on the following issues:
- reserves dynamics of mineral resources by deposit, by country, region, area, and the world as whole;
- production and consumption dynamics of mineral raw materials;
- world supply and demand, world trade and global market of mineral resources;
- deposits of mineral resources and their geology and economics;
- production and financials of mining and oil companies;
- mining, production, transportation and refining facilities.
MINERAL’s research targets the management and analysts of exploration, mining, and mineral resources processing industries. Our analytical reports are aimed primarily at the top management of the industry, and we focus them on the national priorities of Russia.
MINERAL provides information and consulting services on a wide range of issues, mainly concerning prospecting and exploration, mining and production of mineral raw materials, refining and processing, and trade and consumption thereof, both in Russia and overseas.

Mining Journal is the industry's leading weekly newspaper covering all aspects of the global mining industry, from grass-roots exploration, through financing and development, to production and marketing. It packs news, in-depth analysis, viewpoints from senior players in the industry, market trend data, financial information and news of business development opportunities into one easy-to-read journal. |

"Russian ̀ining" magazine is the only specialized research and industrial magazine in English on mining achievements in Russia and the CIS countries. It has been published since 2000, 6 times per year, its circulation amounts to 2500 copies worldwide. “ Russian ̀ ining” magazine has subscribers in more than 45 countries. The magazine keeps its foreign readers informed on new projects, development and technologies in mining, mining machinery, concentration equipment, mineral resources and raw material market of Russia and the CIS countries. “ Russian ̀ ining” magazine is distributed at all specialized mining exhibitions and conferences in Russia and abroad. |

Proactive Investors are a dynamic, fast expanding small cap specialist media business with a highly targeted, sophisticated readership that actively seeks new investments in the small cap arena. We offer companies with good prospects for shareholder growth a range of tools to increase their profile and awareness amongst our user base. As our website is free to use and does not require any registration our site has become hugely popular throughout the investment community. As well as our global websites proactive also publish a monthly magazine and daily newswire. Proactive Investors strives to meet the senior management of companies and ask the questions investors want answers to. |

Information Agency “FC-Novosti” provides exclusive information and digests of press reports on the key issues of the Russian economy, state financial control, legislative initiatives bearing on investments; news about major Russian issuers and companies involved in foreign projects; analytical reports and commentaries for players on the financial, stock and commodity markets |

Nedropolzovaniye -XXI Vek Scientific and Technical Magazine
The Magazine is focused on different aspects of the legal framework of mineral wealth management in Russia and ways of its improvement, as well as licensing, expert examination and evaluation of mineral deposits, mineral deposit development projects, harmonization of Russian and international mineral wealth management standards and regulations.
The Magazine also highlights new findings, developments and practices of reasonable mineral wealth management, novel technologies for exploration and development of hydrocarbon, ore and non-metal mineral deposits, international regulation practices in the area of mineral wealth management, the state-of-the art and development of mineral reserves and resources, domestic and world mineral market situation and its development, economic and management issues.
A special section of the Magazine deals with the issues of protection and conservation of underground water resources.
The Magazine also contains a column describing some interesting historic facts and prospective projects in the area of mineral wealth management. |